GCBC Week 4: “The Time Shall Come” by Elder L. Whitney Clayton

On a few occasions, I have served in callings in the church where I worked closely with committees.  Sometimes I have been frustrated about how inefficient and misguided some of the planning seems to be.  One time I got a little fed up (admittedly in a self-righteous way, which I’ve since tried to repent of) and took my concerns to the Lord.  I was reading in the Doctrine and Covenants one day and I read some passages that humbled me and gave me new insight.  The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the Lord’s, not mine.  And if He trusts regular, flawed people to do His work, I should too.  And even though this sounds a little tongue-in-cheek, I also realized how TRUE the church is, and must be, if it continues to roll forth and fulfill prophecy despite the foibles of its human workers.  For this reason, I really loved this talk by Elder Clayton.  It reminded and reinforced that lesson I learned:  The Church is true.  It will continue to flourish and grow and prosper, and no human hand– either inside or outside of the church– can keep it from fulfilling its destiny.

The Time Shall Come by Elder L. Whitney Clayton

“This work of the Lord is indeed great and marvelous, but it moves forward essentially unnoticed by many of mankind’s political, cultural, and academic leaders. It progresses one heart and one family at a time, silently and unobtrusively, its sacred message blessing people everywhere.”

What did you like or learn from this talk?  Please share your insights in the comments.

To anyone who is checking out GCBC for the first time, the goal is to read one General Conference talk a week and discuss it together as an on-line “book club.”  If you want to learn more, go here, and join the discussion.