True confessions of a 6-year-old mind. Beware.

ezpicknsYou know how some kids pick their nose and eat their boogers?  (I’m afraid Natalie might be one of those kids.)  Not Grant!  No way.  Never in a million years would he do that because it’s disgusting.  Instead, Grant likes to wipe his boogers on furniture, car windows, carpet… whatever’s handy.

I recently discovered that the side of his bed looks like this:

dscf2022No, your eyes are not playing tricks on you.  It really IS that gross.  So now, his bed has been equipped with this:

dscf2023And if that isn’t bad enough, there have been other totally unacceptable infractions of the no-booger-wiping rule.  The lastest was so dire that I did what any good mother would do and forced my child to make a public, internet-based confession.

Did you see all that heartfelt remorse?  The sorrow?  The wailing?  Um, yeah.  Well, Clark and Natalie were jealous about Grant’s debut on the big screen, so the climbing, whining and button-pushing resulted in this:

I know, I know, you are SO impressed.  Feel free to send an Academy Award, or Xanax, whichever seems more appropriate.