General Conference Book Club


Isn’t General Conference great? My testimony is always renewed, and I walk away with a list of items to work on implementing that I know will bring more power and blessings into my life. I am so grateful for living prophets and apostles. I know God lives and speaks to us today through His servants.

After 9 semi-annual conferences, I’m no longer going to host the online General Conference Book Club here on Diapers and Divinity, but I still hope that people will run with the idea and use it either for personal study or to do a collaborative study with friends. Here’s how it works:

  1. When general conference is over, study one talk each week until the next general conference. It just so happens that in the four general sessions of conference (not priesthood or women’s sessions), there are usually almost exactly the number of talks as there are weeks until the next general conference, so it makes for a really easy fit. So approximately 25 talks and about 25 weeks to study them.
  2. You can simply read the talk, or you can mark it up and study it and ponder it throughout the week. Write your thoughts in your journal. Look up all the scriptures quoted in the talk as part of your scripture study for the week. Find ways to apply the teachings in your life.
  3. If you decide to get together with others, either online on among friends, you can share your thoughts about the talk, share testimony, and share related experiences and goals. You can meet weekly, which is fairly easy to do online, or you can meet once a month and discuss the 4+ talks for that month. If you do get together as friends, it could be fun to meet up at a favorite restaurant, get together at a home and have refreshments, or tie it in with another fun activity like a game night or something. For an online book club, you can do it on your own blog, or use other social media outlets like Facebook (even creating a group or page), Instagram, or even Twitter. (#gcbc) 🙂

All recent conference talks are available on  for viewing, reading, listening, or sharing, plus they are always published in the general conference editions of the Ensign.

This is what President Monson said during the closing remarks of October 2012 conference:

“I know you will agree with me that the messages have been inspiring. Our hearts have been touched, and our testimonies of this divine work have been strengthened. As we’ve felt the spirit of the Lord, may we long remember what we’ve heard these last two days. I urge you to study the messages further when they are printed…

I know I have been blessed as I’ve studied the words from conference and tried to understand them, apply them, and internalize them. Whether you do a book club or not, please make a goal to make these talks a priority over the next six months. You won’t regret it.

63 thoughts on “General Conference Book Club

  1. Pingback: General Conference Preparation, Mormon Mommy Style | Mormon Mommy Blogs

  2. Pingback: Diapers and Divinity – A Guest Post | Mormon Mommy Blogs

  3. Pingback: Conference Highlights & Blog Share – an ensign, waving

  4. Pingback: General Conference - Never Bored

  5. Pingback: An Idea for General Conference - Never Bored

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