GCBC Week 14: “A Witness” by President Henry B. Eyring

Happy New Year!  I know your resolutions are really none of my business, but I have two suggestions:  1)  GCBC.  Do it.  2) The Book of Mormon.  Study it.

Having said that, this week we will be studying President Eyring’s talk about the using the Book of Mormon to facilitate personal conversion.

A Witness  by President Henry B. Eyring

“The Book of Mormon is the best guide to learn how well we are doing and how to do better. . . . The doctrine and the valiant examples in that book will lift, guide, and embolden you.  . . . Parents who struggle to get a witness of the Savior into the heart of a child will be helped as they seek for a way to bring the words and the spirit of the Book of Mormon into the home and all the lives in their family. “

What about this talk stood out to you? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

To anyone who is checking out GCBC for the first time, the goal is to read one General Conference talk a week and discuss it together as an on-line “book club.” If you want to learn more, go here, and join the discussion.

16 thoughts on “GCBC Week 14: “A Witness” by President Henry B. Eyring

  1. Stephanie,

    Here’s an interesting tidbit about the BofM: our stake president is Dave Checketts (one of the biggest Mormon bigwhigs–ran Madison Square Garden, etc. etc.). Anyway, he and the rest of the Stake Presidency has given us a challenge with a twist. We are to read the BofM by June, but he wants us to lug around a blue copy with the gold trim and read it everywhere–on the subway, waiting for gymnastics to finish up, etc. Rather than reading it on all of our electronic devices, he wants people to SEE US READING IT. It’s especially easy here because the BofM musical is such a big deal and it opens up for easy conversation. (He even had a conversation with Rudy Guilliani the other day and told him he’d send him a copy so he could really see what it was about). Then hopefully we’ll have a chance to hand it over.

    Anyway, sharing the BofM is definitely on our mind here. Thanks for the reminder!

  2. This talk was one of my favorites. The part that really touched me was his story about what happened at the university. Hearing how he handled his dilemma was a huge lesson for me on how to be a disciple of Christ. I know we need to be tactful about sharing the gospel but sometimes I can’t quite figure out the balance of being tactful and being a bold representative of Jesus Christ. Honestly, I was quite surprised he still spoke of the Lord when he was warned not to. I loved how he did it. He found a way to tie it in with the university. He didn’t hold back because he has been called to talk of Christ. I shouldn’t fear man, I should testify when I feel it is appropriate. I have no doubt that Pres. Eyring is a man of God.

  3. I’m with Arleen…I love how he found a way to proclaim the Gospel and make sure it was something the university could relate to.

    I am now caught up with GCBC and hope to stay that way! 😉

    Also, I love the new look of your blog!

  4. Loved Heather’s comment about actually carrying the book with me. If I was out and about in public more, I would consider doing that.

    From this talk I took that I need to be reading the Book of Mormon more. Participating regularly in GCBC and reading the BoM daily is a 2012 goal of mine. “The Book of Mormon is the best guide to learn how well we are doing and how to do better.”

    I also loved the Marion G. Romney quote, “In one who is wholly converted, desire for things [contrary] to the gospel of Jesus Christ has actually died, and substituted therefor is a love of God with a fixed and controlling determination to keep his commandments.”

    This talk helped to spur me on in making goals for 2012 to increase my spirituality through the 3-fold baptismal promise; become charitable, become witnesses of God, and endure.

  5. I liked Pres. Eyrings examples of how the Book of Mormon has shown him (and others) how to face life and it’s inevitable challenges. Reading the Book of Mormon everyday has been such a blessing to me. I’m so grateful for my first seminary teacher who challenged us to make it a habit.

  6. I am a Primary teacher in our ward. This year my class is studying the Book of Mormon. This talk just made me more excited to read and study the Book of Mormon as I prepare for my lessons.

  7. I started reading the Book of Mormon and it feels like an old friend in so many ways – I’m always impressed with Nephi and his spiritual strength. I loved President Eyring’s talk and the stories he shared. I like how he compares his life challenges (like the university talk) and likens them to the scriptures and how it gave him strength to do what he needed to do, but then he went to work – praying, studying and researching how he was going to give that talk. Then he had enough courage to do the right thing. He was NERVOUS after the talk about if it had gone well – he still didn’t know. But in this case, it was well received.

    It is admirable when someone stands behind, in front of and beside their truth. President Eyrings talk kept going through my mind as I read President Monson’s article in the January Ensign – the ABCS – have a positive Attitude, Believe in yourself, others around you and eternal principles and have Courage to face your Challenges.

    Thanks again!

  8. Sometimes with all the studying and such, I get a bit mixed up. What exactly are the baptismal covenants? How wonderful to hear an apostle of the Lord, Jesus Christ remind me in such straightforward words. “First, we promised to become charitable. Second, we promised to become witnesses of God. And third, we promised to endure.” Sounds easy but takes plenty of mental fortitude.

    He was so tender in the talk about standing as a witness of God. Quoting our dear, departed Marion G. Romney he put the icing on the cake. “In one who is wholly converted, desire for things [contrary] to the gospel of Jesus Christ has actually died, and substituted therefor is a love of God with a fixed and controlling determination to keep his commandments.”

    Thanks for hosting GCBC, as it keeps me studying the words of God’s modern day mouthpieces. I wrote about this on my blog alittleginger.blogspot.com

  9. I love all of the promises Pres. Eyring gave us of the blessings we can receive from studying the Book of Mormon. A few of my favorites: “[The Book of Mormon] directs us upward on the path to eternal life” and “The Book of Mormon is the best guide to learn how well we are doing and how to do better [regarding our baptismal covenants]” and “…The effect of the Book of Mormon on your character, power, and courage to be a witness for God is certain.”

  10. Okay, I randomly clicked on your blog when searching for a conference article for my gospel principles class tomorrow (today? It’s kind of late!). I am so excited to have found a “book club” like this! I used to attend this Institute class every Tues/Thurs. where we studied one talk a class from the last general conference. By far the BEST institute class I’ve ever taken! I hope I will be able to participate and learn and grow in this “club”.

  11. I may not have commented yet this year, but your two suggestions are definitely on my “New Year’s Resolutions” list!

    Anyway, I loved President Eyring’s talk. I loved that he started by saying his was a message of encouragement. I appreciated the reminder of promises we’ve made – to be charitable, to become witnesses of God, and to endure. I liked his promise that the “Book of Mormon directs us upward on the path to eternal life.” It really does. And that’s why it’s so important to not just drink from its pages daily, but to follow through on the impressions we’re given as we do.

  12. I am giving a RS lesson tomorrow on this talk by Pres. Eyring. I listened to it several times on my way to work in the past weeks, I read it, and then I watched the DVD. I am amazed at how differently I perceived it when I watched the DVD last of all. Suddenly, I was hit by how tenderly he is reminding us of the promises we made at baptism, which are daunting. He knows some of us feel overwhelmed and he is nudging us as tenderly as a mother ewe nudges her baby lamb. He helped me feel so valued and hopeful, that I could do this, keep these three promises, if I read the Book of Mormon and let myself be lifted to a higher plane. I am still preparing my lesson and writing questions. I have thought of a few by reading these comments

  13. Pingback: GCBC - President Eyring - Never Bored

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