Find-A-Friend Friday: Meet Cat

Our new friend this week is Cat, writing from my home state of Georgia.  It’s been great to meet so many new people this way. Here’s Cat:

Hello Ladies– My name is Catherine, but I go by Cat. I have the best job in the world, mother of three beautiful kids; two boys {4 and 2} and a little girl {10 weeks} I love being a mother and feel it is a sacred calling that is to be treasured every moment. My husband and I just celebrated our 5th anniversary last week and I love that even still he makes me feel like the goofy 19 year old I was when I fell in love with him. He is my best friend and quite honestly the best part about me. Did I mention we also celebrated two birthday and mother’s day that same week as well? May is a busy month for us. We currently call Atlanta home and have for about 4 and half years, but are longing to move back north. Maybe Philadelphia or Seattle?? Who knows where the life we are living will lead us, but I know that as long as we are together it will be grand.

I grew up in south Florida. I don’t recommend living there. Sorry, I’m just being honest. It was great growing up there; surfing and lounging in the sun, eating ice cream on a dock some where, as you are always surrounded by water living 10 minutes from the beach, or hanging out with friends. Living there as a working adult, totally different story. Don’t move there expecting to feel like you are on vacation. Don’t say you weren’t warned…lol. I have one brother who is 13, which yes, means we are 12 years apart. It’s really cool actually and neat to see him growing into a young man that I can talk to about something other than legos. Love ya bro.

What’s your favorite part of motherhood?

My favorite part of motherhood would have to be a toss up between cuddling the tiny newborns during their first 3 days and watching their own different personalities start to develop. Love it!

What part of motherhood would you subcontract out if you could?

Discipline. I don’t like to be the bad guy. Ever…

Name 2 or 3 items on your “bucket list.”  (Some things you’d like to do before you die.)

They all have to do with travel;

1. Stay at the Ice hotel in Sweden. My husband served his mission there so I’d get the “non-tourist” point of view.

2. Spend a few weeks with my husband in a rented farmhouse somewhere in Provence, France.

3.  I want to go camping with ALL our kids at Quoddy Head National Park {Maine} – It is the most eastern point in the continental United States. You may remember a Subaru commercial a few years back with the guys camping at the most eastern point of the US on new years eve so they can celebrate first? I so want to do that!!

Brag for a minute.  Do it.  What are a few things that you’re pretty good at?

I am an excellent speller. I’m no Scripps spelling bee contestant, but just the regular verbiage of the daily tongue, I’m pretty good.

This one is silly, I know, but I’m a good driver. I’ve never been in accident or gotten a ticket.

Any finally, one thing I prize myself at being good at is that more often than not I have a very positive attitude. I learned early on in my life that the power of positive thinking can get you far in life. That when things are not going your way or you are just plain down about something its better not dwell on the horrible, instead formulate a plan to slay it and journey onward to happiness. “You have five minutes to wallow in the delicious misery. Enjoy it. Embrace it. Discard it. And proceed…”

What are you loving lately?

I am loving getting all my ducks in a row with my home school agenda. In the last year I’ve been studying styles, curriculum, and gathering GREAT ideas and advice from all you great moms out there in the blogosphere. My oldest boy (4) thrives on learning and craves knowledge. I am so excited to dive into the great adventure and study things that interest him and learn through living.

Do you have a favorite scripture or quote?  Why?

One of my favorite quotes is, “Having a baby is like getting a tattoo on your face. You really need to be certain it’s what you want before you commit.” Elizabeth Gilbert

My favorite scripture is D&C 76; 22-24

And now, after the many testimonies which have been given of him, this is the testimony, last of all, which we give of him: That he lives!For we saw him, even on the right hand of God; and we heard the voice bearing record that he is the Only Begotten of the Father—

That by him, and through him, and of him, the worlds are and were created, and the inhabitants thereof are begotten sons and daughters unto God.

What do you gravitate toward during your unscheduled time?

Reading and writing. I was NOT a reader growing up; I’m serious, my bookshelf had like 10 book on it. A few summers ago I tripped and fell into a “Chick-lit” hole with a side of young adult reads and I’ve never really resurfaced. Favorite author plug: Emily Giffin…check her out:) There’s also a part of me that has this silly notion that I can write a book. So I decided to try my hand at it an currently 100 pages into my first manuscript. Go me:)

Tell us some of your best mom-tricks  (things you’ve figured out that work well for you).

One of my best mom tricks is to remember to take some time for myself. I love my children, deeply, but in order for me to be a patient, kind toned mother I strive to be I have to take some time to myself and regroup occasionally. Whether it’s sitting in Barnes and Nobles surround of piles of books on my to-read list, going to a movie by myself, or being honest with my husband and telling him I could really use and extra hour of sleep once in a while. When mama’s happy, every ones happy.

Consistency is also another biggie in which I’m sure I’m not the first to mention, and that’s probably because its TOTALLY true. There are of course moments that do not want to follow through with something for one reason or another, but the 2-9 steps back {depending on the day} are so not with it. Follow through! Follow through! Follow through!

If you were in charge of a girls’ night out, what kind of activity would you love to plan?

I really am a big fan of a couple of close gal pals sitting around a table at Maggiano’s sipping on some Pellegrino and talking about love, life, and learning.

What parts of your testimony are you the most sure of?

My testimony is constantly growing and I try really hard to remind myself that the more I share it, the more it will in fact grow, however, I have the hardest time gaining the confidence to share it. That’s a story for another day though-  So I try to live by example. I am sure without a shadow of a doubt that Jesus is the Christ and that he lives. That he has the power to bless us in our time of need, heal us when we are broken, and provide us with tremendous joys.

Give your best advice to a newlywed or expectant mom.

NEW MOMS: If you get an epidural have your nurse standing by with a benedryl because you are gonna be UBER itchy afterwards. Also, if you are fortunate enough to be able to nurse, stick with it and don’t be afraid to ask for help because it’s one of the most rewarding privileges you’ll ever have. And finally even if you are a type A wonder woman who likes everything in its right place always {I’m not like that at} Stop it for as long as you can, or at least the first few days and take the time to just hold and cuddle with your baby. They will grow so fast, and you will most likely have less time with the next child cause you’ll already have a little darling running around.

If your life had a theme song, what would it be and why?

They can’t take that away from me; Ella Fitzgerald.

First off it’s the song I danced to at my wedding with my husband, so obvious special place in my heart there. Another reason is because all the special things I’ve been given in my life will stay with me forever. They are my memories, my love, my lessons learned, and will be with me eternally.

Tell us about your blog:

My blog is known affectionately as Her Eclectic Life. It’s my baby, literally; I just started it a few months ago and then I had my daughter. So now that I’m back up and running in most areas of my life I update as regularly as possible. With what you may ask? I love giving free food alerts because I am a big couponer. It saves my family money and also gives me  the ability to build our 3-month food supply. Preparedness is another thing I love to talk about, because its something all of us can use in our lives. I love craft projects that make my house a home, finding a cheap piece at Goodwill and turning into a Pottery Barn knock off, a good pair of shoes I just can’t help but share, and recipes that will change your life, even if it didn’t come from my brain. I love taking a little of this and little of that from over here and over there and improving my life and sharing them with you. That’s her eclectic life.  Hope you enjoy and I LOVE comments and new friends. 🙂

Thanks, Cat.  As always, it’s been a pleasure. 

Say hello to Cat in the comments below or drop by her blog to spread some love.

13 thoughts on “Find-A-Friend Friday: Meet Cat

  1. Hi Cat, nice to meet you! I just joined this group and I got to meet Tristan last week and now you! Congratulations on the birth of your new daughter. I agree with your advice about cuddling them, and breast feeding. Time goes by so incredibly fast and if we don’t take advantage the special little moments then they are gone. My daughter is 16 and it seems like yesterday that I held her for the first time. I am very happy for you. Thank you for sharing your story.

  2. Yay for good drivers! I’ve never been pulled over or had an accident either and want to keep that record for as long as I can. 🙂

    From a former Georgia (and Florida! Miami to be exact) native Georgia beats Florida out any day. LOVE the south.

    It was so nice to get to know you Cat. We have a lot in common. Good luck with all your home schooling adventures. It is one of the best things we’ve ever done for our children.

  3. Nice to meet you all!!

    Tristan- it was great reading all about you last week. I actually have been frequenting your blog in the last little bit. I found you on the curriculum choice a while back.

    And “cocoa” – heck yeah for good drivers. I’ve seen you around..we frequent a lot of the same blogs, so we do have stuff in common. Lol.

    Thanks for the love ladies. Hope to hear from you again:)

  4. Mmmmm…does photo radar tickets make me a bad driver?! 🙂 Because other than that I don’t have anything at all! 🙂

    YAY for YA lit. I LOVE YA and read that all the time. Seems so much safer on the “objectional content” meter.

    Horray for food storage/preparedness! I have a deep and abiding passion and testimony on both.

    Great to meet you, going to check out your blog now.

    (good luck on the HS thing, we are done our second year now and it ROCKS!)

  5. My dear Catherine Emily…you have grown into an amazing woman from the little girl I once knew. Great job!

  6. Woot! Another person trying to write a book during naptimes! Happy to meet you, Cat! (And I’ve from Texas but I woudn’t recommend living their, either…)

  7. My comment to Cat is that I also feel that it is a good idea, not even good, but necessary for women to take time for themselves…If mommas happy, everyones happy. I also like your idea of girls night out could be anywhere, just sitting around with some fun snacks but you must invite Dr. Pepper. He is always invited to my parties, lol. Your bucket list…I have never heard of any of these things…hum. Spelling, thats tough, you must have had a good teacher that taught you lots of ways to remember the spelling of words, until you came up with your own system. I never realized that good drivers drive 1/2 car length in back of the car in front of them….must be a Georgia thing. I also believe that having a positive attitude is very important in all areas of your life. I have always tried to look at the glass as half full, I know some people who always look at the glass as half empty, I just dont get that. Your favorite scripture is a good one. Well keep up the good work miss cat. I need to find a group within this site or somewhere that is gearded towards women a little older! Any ideas? Will check your blog and see you soon!!!!!

  8. Hey Cat! I am a couponer too. 🙂 Saving money is addictive…Not Extreme Couponing crazy addictive or anything though…I really have no need for 2,005 tooth brushes. 🙂 I can’t wait to check out your blog. What is your book about? Go you for sure!

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