On camping with small children: A compilation of Haiku, and a contest for you.



Matt says, “Five hour drive.”

We go on and on and on.

There eight hours later.


Mosquitos abound.

They stalk me and consume me.

My flesh, bug manna.


Lost in the forest,

Children say, “I can’t go on!”

First family bike ride.


Please go to bed now.

There’s no time to brush your teeth.

Smores are good for smiles.


Day Two: Must shower.

What? I forgot underwear?

Heaven help me.  (Sob.)


I say “stop!” a lot.

My voice echoes through the air.

Children don’t listen.


Old people like quiet.

They go to camp in nature.

Then my kids arrive.


Oh, Summer Solstice,

Sunny day is long and bright.

Children wake at five.


Scripture reading time.

Sorry, Mom’s gasp interrupts.

Her foot has a tick.


Four days, four state parks.

Dirt roads and pop-up trailer.

All hail DVDs.


Laughing, playing days.

Little children get so tired.

It is all worth it.




So how was your weekend?


I think it’s time to ressurrect the Diapers and Divinity Poetry Contest.  Write a Haiku* or two about summer vacation with children.  All entries must be in by Saturday night, and on Monday, I’ll put up a poll so you can vote for your favorite.  The winner will get a summer spot on my sidebar  (It’s a great honor, trust me.) and I’ll send you some kind of summer treat…. to be determined.  This is an easy one; haiku doesn’t even have to rhyme. 🙂  Hit me with your best shot.  Leave your entry/entries in the comments for this post.


*Haiku is a Japanese form of poetry, short and simple.  The Americanized version is only three lines long:  1st line is 5 syllables, 2nd line is 7 syllables, and 3rd line is 5 syllables.  No need to rhyme.  For amazing examples of how this works, scroll up and see the masterpieces above.  Each little stanza is one complete haiku.


(I’m sorry I missed posting for the GCBC this weekend.  We just rolled into town tonight and I’ll try to get up this week’s article very soon along with my comments on last week’s.  Thanks for your patience.)

18 thoughts on “On camping with small children: A compilation of Haiku, and a contest for you.

  1. ahhhh, camping. the great outdoors and nature. don’t ya just love the family bond. life is simple and fun. it is great to come home and shower. kids will remember the fun and not the bugs. go camping every year and remember the beautiful earth that God created for us. hugs from idaho! Are you coming to the family reunion? there will be smores, sprinklers, and mosquitoes!

  2. When the kids were small,
    Camping fit the fam’ly funds,
    Which were sparce and spare.

    As the years moved on
    Kids and mom lost patience with
    All that wilderness.

    Now they’re nearly grown,
    And we’ve traded sleeping bags
    For a cozy bed.

    No more camps for me.
    You can keep your tents and bugs.
    Hotels come with pools!

  3. I read this post last night, and I seriously had dreams in haiku!! I don’t think they were very good haikus. But I remember trying to think and speak in haiku.

    Utah is the place
    To visit fam’ly and friends.
    Can’t wait for next week!!

  4. Loved all your Haiku! LOVED them! You are a very clever gal. I feel like I caught a total picture of your vacation in all those little snippets. I laughed, I smiled, I could relate.

    Love your contest idea too.
    Will work on that…maybe….

  5. Yeah, I felt like I got to know a little bit your camping experience. Reminds me of my own. It also reminds me why I have a magnet on my fridge with a lady reclining on her bed with the words “I love not camping” above her.

    These poems were seriously funny. I think I might channel some of my readers over to check them out.

  6. Whining and fighting
    Makes the heat worse. Who calls this
    summer vacation?

    I made a chore chart
    To teach the kids about work
    I have learned to nag.

    House shrinks in summer
    Too much noise, not enough space.
    We go to the beach.

  7. I AM the consoloation member of RS, totally.

    Cute little white bums
    Peeking out of swimming trunks
    I smile. It’s summer.

    Breezes through the palms
    Tickle the fronds and they dance
    A happy hula

    Watermelon seeds
    Stick to my son’s dripping chin
    Evidence of joy

    A soft, fuzzy head
    Whiffs of coconut sunblock
    Gold skin and freckles

  8. Hot grilled hamburgers,
    A slice of watermelon,
    ice cream and snow cones.

    Chlorine and salt air
    mix with sunblock and bug spray.
    Earthy summer rains.

    I can taste summer.
    Summer scents permeating-

  9. (I think I have too much fun writing haikus.)

    Children can run free.
    Waves speak peace and calm my soul.
    No cries of boredom.

    Sandcastles built tall.
    Feel the wet sand underfoot.
    Come back? I can’t wait.

    Sand never ending:
    Car, floor, tub, washing machine.
    Waves stole half our toys.

    Aloe vera skin
    Burnt too Red to wear clothing.
    Come back? In a while.

  10. The Best Day Ever

    Strawberry red cheeks.
    A little man’s sopping hair.
    Not pool water, sweat.

    Running ev’rywhere.
    “Wanna popsicle, really.”
    “Want one really bad.”

    Sprinklers, gardens, parks,
    Mud, airplanes, warm summer rains,
    Walks, bugs, smiley sun.

    A boy’s dream “were-rold”.
    “This is the best day ever.”
    Perfect words, I smile.

  11. Summer Voices
    “Can we play with friends?”
    “Can we do the slip and slide?”
    “Can we have a snack?”

    “Can we watch a show?”
    “Can we have a popsicle?”
    Alternate, repeat.

Please say something. I've said enough. :)