GCBC Week 12: “Redemption” by Elder LeGrand R. Curtis Jr. , and “The Divine Gift of Repentance” by Elder D. Todd Christofferson

Two talks again. I know, I know. It’s Christmas. But that’s why it seemed perfect.  These talks focus on the greatest gift that the Savior gave to us: the opportunity to became cleansed from sin and return to the presence of our Father.  So I hope you can make the time during the week we celebrate his birth (and shower each other with gifts) to reflect on His gifts of grace and forgiveness to you.

Redemption by Elder LeGrand R. Curtis Jr.

“Although we can never repay the Redeemer what He paid on our behalf, the plan of redemption calls for our best efforts to fully repent and do the will of God.”

The Divine Gift of Repentance  by Elder D. Todd Christofferson

“Only repentance leads to the sunlit uplands of a better life. And, of course, only through repentance do we gain access to the atoning grace of Jesus Christ and salvation. Repentance is a divine gift, and there should be a smile on our faces when we speak of it.”

Tell us what you learned or felt as you studied these talks. Share your thoughts in the comments below.

[To anyone who is checking out GCBC for the first time, the goal is to read one General Conference talk a week and discuss it together as an on-line “book club.” If you want to learn more, go here, and join the discussion.]

10 thoughts on “GCBC Week 12: “Redemption” by Elder LeGrand R. Curtis Jr. , and “The Divine Gift of Repentance” by Elder D. Todd Christofferson

  1. I loved both of these talks – in fact Elder Christopherson’s talk was used in our sacrament meeting yesterday as the focus. I find myself filled with gratitude and peace this Christmas week – and a big part of that is that we have the atonement, repentance and forgiveness. I’m so thankful/grateful that I can teach these things to my children but also that I can live these things in my own life. Although repentance is hard, there is always so much love and hope in it as well when you use the atonement.

    Thanks again for doing this book club and Merry Christmas 🙂

  2. Very timely talks. E. Christofferson’s talk was the topic for our RS lesson yesterday–very fitting during this season of gifts. In Sacrament meeting we sang a hymn that said how the Savior came to “win our souls with love”. That phrase really stuck out to me. That’s what the whole Plan is about–LOVE. Heavenly Father’s plan was inspired by his love for his children. Satan would have forced or compelled us to obey but Jesus Christ wanted to “win our souls with love”. Love is what should ultimately motivate us in our lives, that’s the place where we are all striving to be.

    Thanks Steph for keeping us focused on the Savior this month!

  3. I really felt the Spirit as I read these talks. Some of my favorite quotes from them: “Those who have strayed significantly from the paths of righteousness desperately need this redemption, and if they fully repent, it is theirs to claim. But those who have worked hard to live good lives also desperately need this redemption, for none can get to the presence of the Father without Christ’s help” (E. Curtis). We all desperately need redemption. “Perhaps as much as praying for mercy, we should pray for time and opportunity to work and strive and overcome” and “…Whatever the cost of repentance, it is swallowed up in the joy of forgiveness” (E. Christofferson). I found so many truths in these talks that do and will bless my life.

  4. These were great talks. I loved the idea of “stories of redemption” which reminded me to work on my own story. Also, I liked Elder Christofferson’s idea that “the prophetic call [to repentance] should be received with joy.” That’s so true, and I’m not sure I ever thought of it that way. Repentance always seemed so hard and laborious, and it is supposed to take work and effort, but if we focus on the resulting peace and joy, it doesn’t have to seem so tedious and onerous. That goes along with his second point, that “it would mock the Savior’s suffering in the Garden of Gethsemane and on the cross for us to expect that He should transform us into angelic beings with no real effort on our part.” As I work to repent and change, and become more obedient, there is great peace that comes into my life. That is truly a blessing and gift from God.

  5. I’m a bit late…

    Elder Curtis’ talk:

    I was struck by the quote by President John Taylor: because of the Redeemer’s sacrifice, “the debt is paid, the redemption made, the covenant fulfilled, justice satisfied, the will of God done, and all power is … given into the hands of the Son of God.”

    I don’t suppose there is anything in that quote I didn’t know before, but today it really hit me that because the Savior suffered for our sins and has paid for them, it really is between us and Him. We can repent and accept his atonement or we can not, but either way, he paid for them and he is the one that holds the keys of mercy and justice. I also thought of the parable of the unmerciful servant (Matt 18:21-35)

    I also loved his talk of stories of redemption – I, too, know many stories of redemption with my family members and even myself. I love to hear them.

  6. Elder Cristofferson’s talk:

    I love his emphasis on the joy of repentance. I recently decided to read the Book of Mormon specifically looking for examples of joy and happiness. I happened to be halfway through and decided I’d just start where I was (with Ammon teaching King Lamoni). So far it has been an incredible experience and I am seeing clearer than ever before the connection between true repentance and joy.

    I am also intrigued by his focus on correcting others and accepting correction ourselves:
    “If we do not invite others to change or if we do not demand repentance of ourselves, we fail in a fundamental duty we owe to one another and to ourselves. A permissive parent, an indulgent friend, a fearful Church leader are in reality more concerned about themselves than the welfare and happiness of those they could help. Yes, the call to repentance is at times regarded as intolerant or offensive and may even be resented, but guided by the Spirit, it is in reality an act of genuine caring.”

    This (correction) was the main theme of his previous (April 2011) conference talk, too:

    I would love to know some of the experiences in his life. I personally have multiple experiences where I received correction or rebuke and am so grateful for that, and it actually strengthened my relationship with the person it came from. It’s not as easy for me to be the one correcting, but I have also had a couple of experiences where I have tried to follow the examples I have seen of this and it has been a positive experience.

  7. “Repentance is a divine gift, and there should be a smile on our faces when we speak of it. It points us to freedom, confidence, and peace.” – Elder Christofferson

    I have never thought of repentance this way. It has always just been something that I needed to do because I am imperfect, human, and had sinned. Perhaps I need to have a different attitude and perspective on repentance.

  8. Pingback: GCBC - Elder Curtis - Never Bored

  9. Pingback: GCBC - Elder Christofferson - Never Bored

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