General Conference Meme

This is a fun idea to let us all share our personal highlights from General Conference.  A meme is a questionnaire of sorts that is a little bit “viral”– it gets passed around among several people online.  I teamed up with Lesa from Notes about Music to create eleven questions that might help you pay more attention and learn more from both the music and the spoken words at conference.

UPDATE:  The meme is now up and running, go here to participate.

Okay, so… Instructions.  Look for answers during conference (obviously, there are no “right” answers– this is all about your personal experience and thoughts.).  When conference is over, post all your questions and answers on your own blog, at your leisure.  Anytime after Sunday afternoon/evening, either go to Lesa’s blogor come right here at Diapers and Divinity (there will be a new post up just for this purpose), and you will find some fancy-linky-collector-thing where you can share the link to your blog post.  Then we can all read what you had to say and just have a big post-conference testimony-and-goals fest.  I really hope that made sense.  Without further ado, here is the meme:

General Conference Highlights, October 2011

1.  Who were your three favorite speakers?

2.  Which talk spoke to you the most?

3.  What was your favorite Hymn and why did it move you?

4.  Which speaker was the best dressed?  (Come on, we can have a little fun.)

5.  Were there any topics that you felt like were repeated often?  Any conference “themes”?

6.  Share a few of your favorite quotes from any of the talks (paraphrasing is fine).

7.  Name something(s) that made you smile or laugh during conference.

8.  Was there any evidence that your children paid attention?

9.  What doctrine did you learn as you listened to the choir(s) sing?

10.  Did the music enhance your General Conference experience? How?

11.  What are some of your post-conference goals?

If you want to print it out so you can make notes on actual paper, you can download it as a document here.

If you’ve missed any of the other general conference posts this week, you can find them here:

Preparing children for general conference (+packets)

Preparing yourself for general conference

11 thoughts on “General Conference Meme

  1. I just discovered your blog. I love the idea of a general conference book club. I would love to be a part of it, and I hope that you will keep it up. I also love the picture at the top of this post. It’s gorgeous!

  2. Steph you are amazing! I LOVE your blog – it was just what I needed! Thank you for all the time you put into your posts. I am so excited for General Conference and to be apart of your General Conference Book Club – yay! Thanks again!

  3. Hey Steph–I completed my Meme and went to link it up, but couldn’t find the link. Let me know when it’s up–I would love to read the thoughts of others.

  4. Pingback: General Conference Meme and Blog-Share | Diapers and Divinity

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