
Let’s spread some bloggy love, shall we?

Post-it Award

Here are some of my favorite posts recently.  I think they deserve your attention, and I think you deserve to read them.

Debbie at Suburb Sanity wrote this hilarious post that gave me a great idea about how to get out of doing laundry.  She is wise and witty, and finds a way to remind us that old-school values still have a place in this crazy, modern world.

Jana at The Meanest Mom has been one of my favorites since I first stuck my toe in blog waters a year ago.  I love her harmless sarcasm and the way she takes the common challenges of motherhood and makes them so darn easy to laugh at.  In this post, she explains the phenomenon of children’s organizational problems with unmatched snark and wit.  You’ll laugh.  I promise.

Melanie at Write Stuff has become one of the people on my “I’d love to meet in real life” list.  Her blog always feels like a conversation you’d have with a friend late at night while you laugh or analyze together and eat too many calories to count.  This post cracked me up because there was like a collective “Wha??” in the comment thread from all her readers, and I learned a few code words for sensitive topics that I never knew existed.  Just a hoot.

Another blogger I’ve loved since the early days of blogdom is Sue at Navel Gazing at Its Finest.  If you don’t read her already, you should start, but don’t drink liquids while you read.  Anyway, she wrote one of the funniest birth stories I’ve ever read.  Check it out.

And finally, I’ve learned how talented my friend Becca is as I’ve followed her blog, The Little Author That Could.  She recently wrote this post that so beautifully captured the depth and breadth of the simple moments of motherhood.  It’s really lovely.

So, congrats ladies.  Note to the winners:

Post-it Award

There are no weird prize rules for this award.  You don’t have to do a viral tag  of 8 people or make a monumental display on your homepage about it (unless you want to).  Here’s all you do:

1.  Accept it.  You can do this in the tearful silence of your own computer desk or by writing an emotional acceptance speech in my comments.

2.  Pay attention in the next week or so to the posts that you read elsewhere and if you find a favorite (or two or three), then pass the award along to honor the blogger who wrote it.  You can either do a post like this where you announce it (and which I will probably continue to do on occasion), or you can email them and let them know or whatever.  You’re smarter than me; do what you want.

And as a random side note, I have an odd hobby where I plan fantasy vacations that I never take.  Seriously, ladies, I know how to find rocking travel deals.  Check this one out for example:  A 10-night Meditteranean cruise for $350.  Please someone take this trip so I don’t feel like I found it in vain.

7 thoughts on “Post-Its

  1. I should be hog-tied for being so late in thanking you for such a lovely shout-out! I really do appreciate it.
    I also greatly appreciate your friendship and support. I love your comments on my blog and the opportunity to get to know you.

  2. Love your blog!

    Your previous post struck a real cord with me. I feel EXACTLY the same about playing those kinds of games with my kids. I LOVE to read to them (do it by the hour–even my to my older kids). Love taking them to the park, gabbing together, making things, etc. But, I too, need to find more time to mother in my own way. I allow too many other things to get in the way.

    I’ve already pulled up all the posts mentioned and will read every one. Can’t wait!

    Uhm, that cruise sounds like a great idea, but remember, all cruises are not created equal. My husband and I took a Meditteranean cruise years ago, and it was not quite what we expected. Still very worth it, to be sure, but forwarned is fore-armed. If you’re interested in my little warning, I blogged about it back in May. It’s entitled “Embrace the Differences”

    (Was that completely rude, crude and socially unacceptable? I know very little about blog ettiquette. If so, I apologise and I’ll never ever do it again. I did try to make it not terribly overt. No links or anything. Only those interested enough to dig a smidge will find the post mentioned)

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